We have dedicated Committee who work tirelessly to keep the Society functioning. Please contact them for any information or support.
President – Steven Turnbull
Contact: steventurnbull1@hotmail.co.uk / Phone – 07957 490 005
Secretary – Victoria Lindsay-McGee
Contact: victoria.lindsay@cantab.net / 07902 638 968
Allocations Secretary – David Crudge
Contact: brrsallocations@gmail.com
Treasurer – Ronnie Dumma
Contact: ronnie.dumma@btinternet.com
Disciplinary Co-ordinator – Austin Ramage
Committee Members – Colin Henderson
Life Members
Bill Calder
Ian Cooper
Iain Davidson
Ronnie Dumma
Colin Henderson
Iain Inglis
Bob Johnston
Jim Lauder
Alan Lyall
John Montgomery
Iain Houston